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Wolf Island

Click the buttons below to download our the Curriculum Map for Wolf Island Novel Study. There are two versions of the map. The outline and map are also both viewable on this page.

Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)

Wolf Island is a beautifully illustrated story of animal life on a small island. It portrays a vivid picture to young children of how animal and plant life are dependent on each other for survival. When a devoted family of wolves takes an unexpected journey on a raft off the island, the tranquil life slowly deteriorates because the food chain has been broken. Find out how the island regains its former beauty and food supply.

Overall Expectations

A great, colorful book can make for a real, lasting memory for a young child. Children come to view books as special friends they can constantly come back to for comfort and guidance. The pictures, words and characters make a lasting impression on their lives and inspire them to reach for even higher ideals.

An outstanding story like Wolf Island brings with it a strong message of the value of our "balance in nature" based on an actual event in Northern Ontario. It displays a vivid picture of the dangers of not valuing our environment as a precious commodity and its effects on living members in the outdoor community.

This unit is primarily designed for upper primary grades. Care has been given to bring in activities across the curriculum. The questions and activities are selected to teach skills and bring enrichment to the young students.

Introduction includes:

  • Learning Expectations

  • Author Biography

  • Vocabulary with Activity Ideas

  • Teacher Suggestions with Instructions for each section.

  • Background Information on Wolves

  • Bibliography of Related Reading

  • Teacher Evaluation

  • Student Checklist

  • Awards

Lesson 1: 

  • Booklet Cover

  • Introduce the book by using some or all of the "Before We Read" preparations

  • Since we know very little about the author, we should read the author biography

  • Prepare the necessary project materials that require preparation

  • Discuss vocabulary for the first few sections of the book (The vocabulary may be on cards for the children to view.)

Lesson 2: 

  • Formally introduce and discuss the vocabulary for Section 1

  • Discuss the beautiful illustrations in the book

  • Discover the animal families

  • Read Section 1 of the book

  • Complete story questions of the question booklet

  • Complete Food Chain Chart

Lesson 3:

  • Read Section 2

  • Complete vocabulary matching exercise

  • Game - Making New Words

  • Research- Wolf Family

Lesson 4:

  • Read Section 3

  • Complete vocabulary exercise by finding a good ending to make a new word

  • Activities connecting curriculum - chart showing what each season would bring to the island

  • Create an Accordion Booklet showing the seasons on the island

  • Discuss the Adventure Story - cooperative project

  • Acrostic Poetry Writing

Lesson 5:

  • Read Section 4

  • Complete story questions - "Tell Why"

  • Using vocabulary - alphabetical order

  • Unscramble words

Lesson 6:

  • Read Section 5

  • Complete sentence exercise

  • Building vocabulary through use of adjectives

  • Animal homes pop-up book

Lesson 7:

  • Read Section 6

  • Discuss how we should find proof in the story for the exercise

  • Using words in a variety of ways by creating compound words

  • Animal homes pop-up book

Lesson 8:

  • Read Section 7

  • Complete the story questions

  • Create "Bookmarks" - ways to share learned facts

  • Rhyming Words - "A Rare Pair"

  • Complete the picture

Lesson 9:

  • Read Section 8

  • Complete the story questions

  • Vocabulary exercise – completing sentences with the correct word

  • Problem solving - "Ways to Save our Earth"

Lesson 10: Extra Activities

  • Overall review of the book

  • Discussion of the outline of the story

  • Creative Project - "Design Your Own Island"

  • Story Mapping

  • Word Search

  • Who’s Related?

  • The sound W

  • Who’s Baby Is It?

  • Looking for Little Words

  • Making New Words

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