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Sentence Writing

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Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)

10+ lessons help teach the different types of sentences and an overview of the 6-Trait Writing Process. Plus lessons on nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, preposition, conjunctions and interjections. A look at verb tenses, past-tense, present-tense and future-tense are also practised.

In these lessons you will find how to introduce, explain and practise

  1. Declarative Sentences

  2. Interrogative Sentences: Yes/No, Alternative, WH-Questions, Tag Questions

  3. Exclamatory Sentences

  4. Imperative Sentences

  5. Compound Sentences

  6. Practise Worksheets

  7. Answering Questions

  8. A look at parts of speech: nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

  9. Word List/Book for each student with word lists for nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjections, conjunctions.

  10. A look at verb tenses; past-tense, present-tense and future-tense.

  11. Tips on creating a Writing Center.

You will find:

  • An overview of the Trait-Based Writing.

  • Writing Task Rubrics for both teacher and student use based on the Trait-Based Writing.

  • A teacher/peer and student writing checklist to work on between the draft and good copy.

  • An explanation to give students on the different categories of sentences.

  • Writing sentence activities, at least two pages per kind and most have a box where children can connect their knowledge with a picture that they draw.

  • Different worksheets to have students practise each sentence.

  • Because sentences are made up of a group of words, it is important for the students/the writer to understand the function of each word. Included in this book, you will find a page for each part of speech.

  • A lesson plan for each of the six writing styles with questions to ask students and a model of what should be: nouns, proper nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. It is suggested that each sheet be photocopied and given to each student. Students then can continue their list with words that have meaning to them. Words with meanings and connections will be used more often than those without.

  • It is recommended to make photocopies of the Parts of Speech as a personal dictionary.

  • The Sentence Creator cards can be photocopied and lamination is recommended for durability. Each child can then have access to the Sentence Creator during Writing Workshop or as an extra individual activity.

Introduction includes:

  • At A Glance – list of topics

  • How to use the resource

  • Trait-Based Writing Chart

  • Writing Center

  • Teacher Rubric Evaluation: Writing Tasks

  • Student Self-Evaluation Rubric: Writing Tasks

  • Teacher/Peer Writing Checklist

  • Student Writing Checklist

  • Sentence Types

  • My Sentence & Word List Cover

Worksheets Topics:

Topics #1 to #5, use the first worksheet to teach the type of sentence. It provides an example and can be used as a group activity.

#1 Declarative Sentences

  • Making sentences with 3 words

  • Making sentences with 5 words

  • Making sentences with 6 words

  • Subject and Predicate practice

#2 Interrogative Sentences

  • Answering Yes/No Questions

  • Alternative Questions with or

  • WH Questions

  • Tag Questions

#3 Exclamatory Sentences

  • What it is

  • Write and illustrate your favorite exclamatory sentence

#4 Imperative Sentences

  • What it is

  • Write and illustrate your favorite exclamatory sentence

#5 Compound Sentences

  • Which conjunction would you use

  • Expand the sentence to a compound sentences

  • Undo compound sentences – make them two separate sentences

#6 Parts of Speech

For each parts of speech worksheet, there is a definition of the part of speech and a partial list of each. Students are asked to add more examples in the blank spaces.

  • Nouns

  • Proper Nouns

  • Verbs

  • Interjections

  • Adjectives

  • Adverbs

  • Prepositions

  • Conjunctions

  • Pronouns

#7 Sentence Creators

This activity allows students of all levels an entry point into the work. You will have students making simple three word sentences and others stringing multiple words together. This can be done as an individual worksheet or can be easily turned into a group activity. 

  • Sentence Creators # 1 to 6

  • Sentence Recap

  • Sentence Recap - Student Worksheet and Certificate

#8 Reading Questions & Writing Answers

  • Reading Questions

  • Writing Answers

  • Writing Answers using Adverbs 

#9 Subjects & Predicates

  • Missing Subjects

  • Missing Predicates

  • Missing Subjects and Predicates 

#10 Sentence Review

  • Correct Sentences

  • Mis-Matched Sentences

  • Just Checking

  • Different Sentences

  • Time 

#11 Verb Tenses

  • Verb Tenses

  • Past, Present and Future Tenses

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