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 32 Weeks of Canadian Daily Language Activities

 Click the buttons below to download our Curriculum Map listing the weekly skills covered. There are two versions of the Map. The outline and map are also both viewable on this page.

Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)

32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling, language, and reading comprehension. Each weekly section provides daily skill review and assessment activities. The daily skill review and assessments are time savers and life savers, especially right after the bell rings!

The Bonus Activities that follow each week of skills are fun tasks of word and vocabulary puzzles, figurative language, and reading exercises. A short interesting fact about Canada is the finishing touch!

 Activities 1-4 focus on:

• punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling
• language and reading comprehension skills

Activity 5 focus on:
• a single language or reading skill

Bonus Activity: provides opportunities for extended activities

  • word puzzles, vocabulary development
  • spelling
  • reading skills
  • includes a short, interesting fact about Canada

Student Progress Chart
Students may require a modelled example or individual assistance to complete their Progress Chart.

  • Students record their daily scores for each Language Activity.
  • At the end of the week, they calculate their Total Score
  • At the end of four weeks, students evaluate their performance

Week One

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Fact or fiction?

  • Use context clues to explain the underlined word.

  • Write the best word to complete this sentence.

  • Common or proper noun?

  • What reference source would you use to find:

  • Complete this analogy.

  • Divide each word into syllables.

  • Where would you find this part of a friendly letter?

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions.

  • Bonus Activity Where Am I?

Week Two

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the past tense of these verbs.

  • Synonym or antonym?

  • Write the predicate of this sentence.

  • Fact or fiction?

  • Write the root word (base word) for:

  • What do the words in each group have in common?

  • Underline the word that comes last in alphabetical order.

  • Write a common noun for this proper noun.

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Just for Fun: Anagrams

Week Three

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write two words that rhyme with:

  • Fiction or nonfiction?

  • Complete these analogies.

  • Fact or opinion?

  • What do these words have in common?

  • Give the past tense of this verb.

  • Tell if the underlined word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

  • Combine these sentences to make one good sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Rhyming Words

Week Four

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Tell if the comma is used correctly.

  • What part of speech is the underlined word: noun, verb, adverb or adjective.

  • Underline the adjectives in this sentence.

  • Write the plural form of each noun.

  • Complete the analogies.

  • Underline the adverbs in this sentence.

  • Subject or object pronoun?

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for Prince Edward Island.

  • Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Antonyms

Week Five

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Fact or fantasy?

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Give the possessive pronoun.

  • Circle the preposition in each sentence.

  • Give your opinion of the following topic.

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined figure of speech.

  • Write the root word for:

  • Fact or fiction?

  • What reference source would you use to find out:

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: On the Open Seas!

Week Six

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Circle the adjectives in each sentence.

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined word.

  • Write the comparative and superlative form of this adjective.

  • What is this person probably doing?

  • Tell if this sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory.

  • Give your opinion about each topic.

  • Is the underlined word a common noun or a proper noun?

  • Write one sentence using this pair of homonyms: kernel, colonel

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Bonus Activity: Words from Native Languages

Week Seven

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Give the past tense of these verbs

  • Use context clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word.

  • Write a proper noun for the following common nouns.

  • Where would the following probably take place?

  • Subject pronoun or object pronoun?

  • Do the underlined adjectives tell which one, what kind, or how many?

  • Circle the adverbs.

  • Write a homophone for

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Teamwork

Week Eight

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the two words that make up each contraction.

  • Circle the example where the colon is used correctly.

  • Identify this part of a business letter.

  • Circle the word that is spelled correctly.

  • Common or proper noun?

  • Is this sentence a statement, interrogative, command or exclamatory?

  • Divide the following word into syllables.

  • Write synonyms for these words.

  • Combine these sentences to make one good sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Are You a Happy Camper?

Week Nine

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Write the word that would be last alphabetically.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Circle the subject and underline the predicate in this sentence.

  • Which word is not spelled correctly?

  • Simile or metaphor?

  • Subject pronoun or object pronoun?

  • Write the root word (base word) for

  • Write the correct abbreviation for:

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined word sentence.

  • Synonyms or antonyms?

  • Write the word that best completes each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Odd Sound Out

Week Ten

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Name the part of speech for the underlined word in each sentence.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Circle the word where the apostrophe is used incorrectly.

  • Add a prefix and a suffix to each word.

  • Circle the word that comes last in alphabetical order.

  • Name the part of speech of the underlined word.

  • Add a colon in the correct place.

  • Write the pronouns that would replace the underlined nouns.

  • Write a sentence using this pair of antonyms: rough, smooth

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: Synonyms

Week Eleven

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Singular possessive or plural possessive?

  • Past, present or future?

  • Complete the analogies

  • Write the meaning of this figure of speech.

  • Write the comparative and superlative forms for these adjectives.

  • Use context to explain the meaning of the underlined word.

  • Fact or fiction?

  • Simile or metaphor?

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Creative Compounds

Week Twelve

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Simile or metaphor?

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Does the underlined adverb tell where, when, how or to what extent

  • something happened?

  • Write a proper noun for each common noun.

  • Fact or opinion?

  • Write the root word or base word for these words.

  • Circle the adjectives.

  • Present, past or future?

  • What part of speech is the underlined word?

  • Combine the short sentences to make one good sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Action Analogies

Week Thirteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Underline the complete subject of this sentence

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

  • Divide these words into syllables

  • Prefix or suffix?

  • Underline the predicate in this sentence.

  • Is the underlined word a verb, adverb or preposition?

  • Does the underlined adjective tell which one, what kind, or how many?

  • Write a good sentence for this pair of homophones: straight, strait.

  • Add a suffix to each word.

  • Write the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Plenty of Prefixes

Week Fourteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined word by using context clues.

  • Write the root word for these words.

  • Write a synonym for.

  • Fact or opinion?

  • Write the two words that make up each contraction.

  • What part of speech is underlined in this sentence?

  • Write a common noun for these proper nouns.

  • What is the following person’s occupation?

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: Sailors and Ships

Week Fifteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Present, past or future?

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for Saturday

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the pronoun that replaces the underlined words.

  • Synonyms, antonyms or homophones?

  • Write the plural form of:

  • Divide the following words into syllables.

  • Fact or fiction?

  • Number these words in alphabetical order.

  • Write in the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Prepare to Punctuate!

Week Sixteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined figure of speech.

  • Name the part of speech that is underlined.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write a fact about the city of Ottawa

  • Does the underlined adverb tell, how, when, where, or to what extent?

  • Tell the kind of sentence: declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

  • Write an opinion about this topic: game shows on television

  • Write a common noun for each proper noun.

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for “post script”

  • Combine the two sentences into one good sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Bundle Up! Word Search

Week Seventeen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Divide these words into syllables.

  • Where would this probably take place?

  • Circle the adjective. Does it tell which one, what kind, or how many?

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for “Lieutenant”

  • Tell the part of speech of the underlined word

  • Write a good sentence for this pair of antonyms

  • Fact or opinion?

  • Tell if the underlined part is the subject or the predicate of the sentence.

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Bonus Activity: Homophone Analogies

Week Eighteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Write the plural form of:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write two words that rhyme with “tooth”.

  • Explain in your own words the meaning of the underlined figure of speech.

  • Circle the word with the most syllables.

  • Tell whether the underlined verb is present, past or future.

  • Singular or plural?

  • Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?

  • Where would these events likely take place?

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Sounds Like...

Week Nineteen

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write in the best word to complete this sentence.

  • Give a synonym for each word.

  • Circle the word that does not belong in this group.

  • Present, past or future?

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for “Professor”

  • Is the underlined part the subject or the predicate of the sentence?

  • Divide these words into syllables

  • Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined words.

  • Combine these sentences to make one good sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Reading Skills

Week Twenty

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Circle the correct abbreviation for “Junior”

  • Write the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Divide each word into syllables.

  • Circle the cause and underline the effect.

  • Write the root word for this word.

  • Underline all the adverbs in these sentences.

  • Write three words that rhyme with

  • Circle the word that does not belong.

  • Write in the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: It’s a Date!

Week Twenty-One

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Explain in your own words the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the possessive noun:

  • Do these words have a prefix or a suffix?

  • Tell if the pair of words are synonyms, antonyms, or homophones?

  • Where would this event probably be happening?

  • Are the underlined words a subject pronoun or a possessive pronoun?

  • Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

  • Write three words that rhyme with “house”.

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: Know Your Fruits and Veggies!

Week Twenty-Two

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Underline the prepositions in these sentences.

  • Write a word that belongs in this group.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write five words that rhyme with “care”.

  • Write the pronoun for the underlined words.

  • Write a common noun for each proper noun.

  • Circle the words that have four syllables.

  • Tell what this person’s job would be.

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined words.

  • Explain in your own words the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Bonus Activity: Colourful Parts of Speech.

Week Twenty-Three

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined word.

  • Add one more word to each group.

  • Present, past or future?

  • Identify this part of a friendly letter

  • Tell if these words are synonyms or antonyms.

  • Divide the following words into syllables.

  • In which part of a business letter would the following be found?

  • Write the singular form of these words.

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Wild Weather!

Week Twenty-Four

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Use context to explain the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Complete the analogies.

  • Fact or opinion?

  • Tell if this sentence is declarative, interrogative, exclamatory or imperative.

  • Synonym or antonym?

  • Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined noun.

  • Common or proper noun?

  • Tell if the underlined word is a noun, verb or adjective.

  • Combine these sentences to make one good sentence

  • Bonus Activity: The Great Canadian Scramble

Week Twenty-Five

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Underline the adverbs in each sentence.

  • Write the two words used to make this contraction.

  • Past, present or future?

  • How many syllables in each word?

  • Simile or metaphor?

  • Number these words in alphabetical order.

  • Add a prefix and a suffix to this word.

  • Fact or fantasy?

  • Write in the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: Reading Skills

Week Twenty-Six

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Explain these idioms.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the preposition in this sentence.

  • Complete the analogies.

  • Write the two words that make up this contraction.

  • Singular possessive or plural possessive?

  • Write the past and the future tense for the following verb.

  • Where would you hear the following?

  • Write the root word for this word.

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: Using a Thesaurus

Week Twenty-Seven

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Is the underlined part the subject or the predicate of the sentence?

  • Write an opinion about this topic: settling Canada’s north

  • Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?

  • Write the number of syllables in this word.

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined words.

  • Number these words in alphabetical order.

  • Write four words that rhyme with “close”

  • Does the underlined adjective tell which one, what kind or how many?

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined phrases.

  • Bonus Activity: Maple Goodness

Week Twenty-Eight

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Divide these words into syllables.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Write the present tense of the verb in this sentence.

  • Where would the following probably take place?

  • Fact or fiction?

  • Do these adverbs tell how, where, or to what extent something happens?

  • Underline the synonyms in the following sentence.

  • Punctuate this date correctly.

  • Where would the following probably take place?

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: Just for Fun: Anagrams

Week Twenty-Nine

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Singular or plural noun?

  • Write three words that rhyme with “please”.

  • Use context clues to explain the meaning of the underlined words.

  • Declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, or imperative?

  • Common or proper noun?

  • Circle the adjectives in this sentence.

  • Write the root or base word for these words.

  • Divide this word into syllables.

  • Write in the best word to complete each sentence.

  • Bonus Activity: General Store Goods Unscramble

Week Thirty

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Write a word that belongs in this group.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Circle the word that is spelled correctly.

  • Opinion or fact?

  • What part of speech is the underlined word: noun, verb, adjective, adverb?

  • Write the past and future tense of “go”.

  • Number these words in alphabetical order.

  • Divide these two words into syllables.

  • Who might be saying this?

  • Decide if the underlined parts have a capitalization error, a punctuation error, a spelling error or no mistake.

  • Bonus Activity: Synonyms and Antonyms

Week Thirty-One

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Write the possessive nouns.

  • Correct these sentences.

  • Fact or opinion?

  • What part of speech is the underlined word in these sentences?

  • Write three words that rhyme with “under”.

  • Underline the prepositional phrases in these sentence

  • Present, past or future?

  • What type of job is being described below?

  • Underline the part of the sentence to match the word.

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined figures of speech.

  • Bonus Activity: Reading Skills

Week Thirty-Two

Five days of questions asking students to:

  • Correct these sentences.

  • What do these words have in common?

  • Subject pronoun or object pronoun?

  • Where would the following probably take place?

  • Opinion or fact?

  • Circle the cause and underline the effect.

  • Write an opinion on this topic: going horseback riding

  • Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined words.

  • Complete the analogies.

  • Reference sources: atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus

  • Bonus Activity: A Not–So–Secret Message!


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