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Citizenship: Belonging and Connecting

Click the buttons below to download our Alberta Grade 1 Social Studies Curriculum Map for Citizenship: Belonging and Connecting. There are two versions of the map. The outline and map are also both viewable on this page.

Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)

These lessons are designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the topics in the Grade 1 Social Studies Alberta Curriculum. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect ideas between topics and school subjects.

Students will explore the experiences and needs of a plurality of groups, demonstrating the diversity, cohesion, issues and opportunities that come with our histories, current affairs, local and regional geography, economic pursuits, resource management efforts, politics and cultures.

Parts of each unit of study are designed on the inquiry process. One of the main benefits of student inquiry is that the students take ownership of their own learning, which should increase engagement and interest. As well, it sets a solid basis for developing progressive research skills for all future education adventures.

The lessons focus on the big ideas in the Social Studies curriculum and has a mix of concrete and open-ended lessons so that the teacher has flexibility in planning. The inquiry process has been scaffolded for teachers and / or students new to the process. There are also suggestions for extensions and cross-curricular activities.

Teacher Notes Include:

  • Unit Introduction

  • Teacher Assessment Rubric

  • Student Assessment Rubric

  • Letter for Parents/Guardians

  • List of Resources, including books and websites

  • Vocabulary List

Lesson Plans and Worksheets:

Each lesson includes teaching tips and notes under these headings:

  1. Learning Intentions:

    1. Values, Attitudes, Knowledge and Understanding

    2. Skills and Processes

  2. Success Criteria

  3. Questions for Inquiry

  4. Materials Needed

  5. Procedure

Unit 1: My World: Home, School, and Community

Lesson One: Setting the Foundation – Families and Communities in Canada

Lesson Two: Setting the Foundation – The World and Canada

Lesson Three: Families in the Classroom and Local Community

Lesson Four: My Family Tree

Lesson Five: Listening to Guests

Lesson Six: Traditions and Celebrations in the Community

Lesson Seven: Filling Up the Family Box

Lesson Eight: Family Traditions Box - Sharing Responses with Others

Lesson Nine: Directions, Maps and Landmarks

Unit 2: Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My history and My Community

Lesson One: Heritage and Identity – Traditions and Changes

Lesson Two: Formulating Questions – Investigating the Past and Present

Lesson Three: Exploring and Researching – Investigating the Past and Present

Lesson Four: Analyzing and Thinking – Investigating the Past and Present

Lesson Five: Communicating by Talking and Listening - Investigating the Past and Present

Lesson Six: Contributions to the Community – Aboriginal and French Perspectives


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