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Canada's Federal Election Process Curriculum Map

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Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)

Canada’s Federal Election Process Curriculum Map

Interest Level Grades 4 to 8 

Reading Level Grades 7 to 8

Ten lessons assist your students in their understanding of the election process. Students will learn what elections are, their processes, and the reasons elections are held. Insight into how campaigns are run, what a platform is and the platforms of the major political parties in Canada will pique their interest as they gain an understanding of decisions made in our country today. The history of elections, as well as historic facts about Canadian elections, provide an interesting read. The dictionary of electoral words is a helpful tool.

The information provided can be made into reproducible handouts or overheads for large group lessons and may also be used to supplement the teacher’s knowledge of elections.

A dictionary of election terms has been included, and can be reproduce for each student.

Big Ideas:

  • understand what an election is

  • understand how to hold an election

  • understand why elections are held

  • understand how to campaign for an election

  • understand what a platform means and be able to write a platform

  • understand the platforms of the political parties in Canada

  • describe the roles and responsibilities of the people involved in an election

  • analyze, synthesize and evaluate election results

  • use appropriate vocabulary to describe their inquiries and observations

  • formulate questions to facilitate research on issues and problems arising from elections

These lessons support many of the fundamental concepts and learning outcomes from the curriculum for these provinces: British Columbia, Grade 5, Social Studies, Governance, C2 Describe Levels, Responsibilities and the Election of Government in Canada; Ontario, Grade 5, Canada & World Connections, Aspects of Citizenship and Government in Canada.

Introduction and Teacher Notes

  • Table of Contents

  • Teacher Notes – overall expectations

  • Election Dictionary

The lesson plans provide ideas on how to introduce, teach, and reinforce the various
aspects of elections in Canada. A follow-up is provided for each lesson. Plus and answer key.

Lesson Topics:

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Elections in Canada
Lesson 3: The Chief Electoral Officer and Calling an Election
Lesson 4: Constituencies
Lesson 5: The Right to Vote
Lesson 6: How do we Vote?
Lesson 7: Political Parties
Lesson 8: The Election Campaign
Lesson 9: Declaring a Winner and Referendums & Elections
Lesson 10: Election Firsts in Canada & Interesting Facts about Canadian Elections
Three Unit Tests

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