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Government: Rights, Responsibilities & History

Click the buttons below to download our Alberta Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum Map. There are two versions of the map. The outline and map are also both viewable on this page.

Curriculum Map (Doc)
Curriculum Map (PDF)


With these lessons, students will learn about democracy and its role in federal, provincial and municipal governments. Through articles, activities, and assignments, they will explore how governments and treaties of the past have shaped the democratic process and the various levels of the Canadian government in the present. The lessons meet the expectations of the Grade 6 Alberta Social Studies curriculum with connections to language concepts.

Each lesson has multiple follow-up activities designed to meet a variety of strengths, needs, and learning styles in the classroom. In addition, many extension/differentiation options are provided.

 Introduction Includes:

  • Teacher Information and Lesson Plan Instructions

  • Curriculum Expectations Covered

  • Glossary of Terms

 Introductory Lesson - Talking About Government

Learning Objective: Students will use their prior knowledge to brainstorm ideas and questions about government.

 Lessons and Topics:

Lesson One: All About Government

Lesson Objective: Students will complete a shared reading which provides an overview of the role and job of the government. They will search for “everyday evidence” of government in action around them.

Lesson Two: Democracy in Action

Lesson Objective: Students will learn what democracy is, how it is structured, and why it is important to Canada.

Lesson Three: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Lesson Objective: Students will learn about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and explore how it protects the collective rights of Canadian citizens.

Lesson Four: The Treaty of La Grande Paix

Lesson Objective: Students will learn about the Treaty of La Grande Paix and, considering multiple perspectives, explore the reasons why it was signed.

Lesson Five: Local Government

Lesson Objective: Students will learn about the responsibilities of the local or municipal government. They will make connections between their town/city and the content to complete group and individual activities.

Lesson Six: Provincial Government

Lesson Objective: Students will learn about the responsibilities of the provincial government. They will make connections between Alberta’s provincial government and the content to complete group and individual activities.

Lesson Seven: Federal Government

Lesson Objective: Students will learn about the responsibilities of the federal government. They will make connections between local government, Alberta’s provincial government and the federal government.

Lesson Eight: Ancient Greece

Lesson Objectives: Students will explore how democracy shaped Ancient Greece. They will make connections between past and present, exploring how the ideals of equity and fairness impacted, and continue to impact, the decision-making process. They will also compare the concepts of direct and representative democracy.

Lesson Nine: The Iroquois Confederacy

Lesson Objectives: Students will read about the Iroquois Confederacy and make connections between past and present democratic processes.

Lesson Ten: All About Associations in Alberta

Lesson Objectives: Students will read fact cards about several associations in Alberta that have been formed to ensure that individual and collective rights of various groups are protected.

Unit Test

Unit Test Answers

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